July 15, 2021 · 8 min read
Sales Team Meeting Agenda Template + Best Practices

Karim Youssef

You're not alone in this!
Out of the 23 hours executives spend in meetings weekly, only 15 are productive, according to this Harvard Business Review article.
You're not the only sales manager who seeks productive sales team meetings and hopes for engaged attendees who find their periodic sales meetings efficient.
Only a professional sales team meeting agenda template will help you put sales team meeting time into use effectively for all those involved.
What is a sales team meeting?
A sales team meeting is an internal meeting, physically or online, between the salespeople and their leader at a company.
A sales team meeting is different from an external sales call or a sales pitch to a client outside the company.
Attendees in a sales team meeting usually meet to discuss important updates, sales performance and expectations, roadblocks and support needed, and other priorities and insights. A meeting agenda is important to keep your sales team meeting organized and avoid wasting the team's valuable time.
Sales team meeting agenda template
In order for a leader to run an efficient sales team meeting, they need a professional sales team meeting agenda template to stay on track and show respect for their team's time and mindset.
Feel free to use this one!
Meeting Details
- Department: Sales
- Time:
- Location (physical or online):
- Names of all those who are physically/virtually invited
- Meeting organizer/coordinator:
- Meeting facilitator(s):
- Staff members:
Meeting Objective
- Assessing sales team endeavors and overall achievements
Metrics and General Review
- Have we met sales objectives for Q3?
- Has the sales team achieved the set KPIs?
- New metrics and trends to be aware of
- Customer feedback and market influences to consider
Individual Reports
- Deals status
- Leads feedback
- Outreach progress
Positive Updates and Wins
- Celebrate wins
- Numbers of deals closed in Q2
- Milestones accomplished in Q2
- Reflect on lessons learnt from customers’ feedback
Lost Deals
- Why have we lost almost-closed deals?
- How can we do better this Q and the coming ones?
Pipeline Updates
- List clients with high potential to convert
- Do we notice any shifts in major accounts?
- How can marketing generate qualified leads?
Blockers & Showstoppers
- What issues do we face to close deals?
- How can upper management support sales team?
Future Actions
- Upcoming objectives for the team
- Agree on accountability, KPIs, and deadlines
- Future objectives for each team member
- Product updates
- Business strategy
- Unforeseen developments
- Marketing campaigns taking place at other departments
- Team updates
- Company news
- Product updates
More meeting agenda templates
You can find a list of other useful meetings agenda templates on our blog, which can guide you to hold effective meetings:
1. Team meeting agenda template
2. Board team meeting agenda template
3. Quarterly planning meeting agenda template
4. Standup meeting agenda template
5. Status meeting agenda template
6. First meeting with new team agenda template
7. Brainstorming meeting agenda template
8. Skip-level meeting agenda template
9. Kick off meeting agenda template
10. Retrospective meeting agenda template
Sales team meeting agenda template explained
Let's go into each item on the meeting agenda in detail so that you can customize the agenda to fit your sales team needs and the nature of your meeting perfectly.
Meeting details
Start your sales team meeting agenda with meeting details like the time and location. When sent ahead, these details serve as notice and reminder for meeting attendees.
List the names of those who are invited to the sales team meeting, whether physically or virtually, so that everyone is aware of the nature of the meeting: is it members-only or team-and-CEO meeting or what?
💡 Do it like a pro. Follow these virtual meetings best practices for a hybrid meeting, where you find yourself running a meeting with half the attendees in the same room with you and the other half in different continents!
Meeting objective
State the objective of the meeting clearly so that no one comes confused about the meeting's end goals and expectations.
Objectives differ among teams and organizations. The sales team might meet to discuss overall updates and achievements, to solve a certain issue that came up during the last month, to set future goals and plans, or else.
Metrics and general review
By nature, salespeople are results-oriented — they care about the end goals rather than the means used to achieve them.
Start the meeting by announcing how much the team has met the sales objective for a certain period of time, depending on how often you hold such a meeting.
Share sales team progress, key metrics, and other updates here.
💡 Do it like a pro. Postpone individual performance criticism to your 1-on-1 meetings with the staff; you're here to discuss the overall core goals, responsibilities, and problems.
Furthermore, discuss new metrics and trends you and the team should be aware of; also review significant customers' feedback and market influences that you need to take into consideration.
Individual reports
Make time for each team member to share their personal updates, without going into much detail: deals status in general, outreach progress, individual endeavors, etc.
Positive updates and wins
This section in the sales meeting agenda template is dedicated to celebrate successes and share the positive updates of the team.
Celebrations do wonders in motivating the team and raising everyone's morale, spreading positivity and energy throughout the room.
Big wins and milestones accomplished outweigh commissions and deals. Every salesperson should know the difference between making a commission and making a contribution to the company's overall success — this is the true value of the sales team work.
A smart manager would take the chance here to reflect on valuable lessons learned and strengths points to hit again.
Lost deals
In a glimpse, reflect on the reasons that led to losing deals that were almost closed. Then, it's always a good idea to introduce some solutions to avoid such losses and do better in the future.
Pipeline updates
This section of the sales team meeting agenda template raises issues about potential clients, leads generated by the marketing team, how to help the marketing team generate more qualified leads, clients on the company's data base with high potential to convert or make a purchase, shifts in major accounts, and such.
Blockers and showstoppers
Struggling and stumbling is a sure thing to every salesperson; yet, what really matters is understanding the problems and the reasons behind and working towards eliminating them.
Is the sales cycle length a blocker to completing the deal on time? Does the product lack key features that hold clients back from purchasing? Dedicate this part of the sales meeting agenda to discuss such issues and offer support to the team to overcome them.
Future actions
Make sure to agree, as a team, on the actions to be taken in the future before you leave the room. Turn the outcomes of the discussions into decisions and future actions with deadlines and specific goals to be met.

Screenshot from adam.ai: Creating actions with assignees and deadlines
Be clear about actions accountability, KPIs, and deadlines; this guarantees that this meeting, as well as the next ones, are productive and efficient.
If you have time, you might want to set upcoming objectives for each individual and clarify everyone's next steps; or you can discuss that in your 1-on-1 meetings afterwards.
This part of the agenda template is optional; you're free to remove it. But in case you decided to keep it, it allows you to share information with your team that you, as a leader/manager, only have insight into.
Since transparency is key, we've decided to include this housekeeping section in this agenda template. Your team will feel included and enlightened when they get the opportunity to have this bird's eye view over the business strategy, unforeseen developments, product updates, marketing campaigns taking place at other departments, and the like.
You might also want to bring up new information, company announcements, industry news, and so on, so that the team is aware of recent happenings.
This item on the sales meeting agenda template reminds you to decide on how you are going to follow up on actions and decisions taken, solve risks and issues raised, keep in touch afterwards, and stay up to date about progress.
Meeting assessment
Wrap up with a quick meeting assessment about what went well and how the next sales team meeting could be better, more engaging, or extra productive.
➕ Extra bonus. Try sending out a thank you email after the meeting is finished; it has a positive effect on attendees and enhances meeting productivity.
Tips for an effective sales team meeting
Using this sales agenda template guarantees you a productive meeting; couple it with these sales team meeting tips and you got yourself the kind of meeting you're here for — a successful one.
- Start the meeting with an icebreaker, a question that eases everyone into the meeting and helps build better relationships within the team.
- Share recognition and show appreciation for your team; not only are employees highly engaged, but they also feel the appreciation from their peers too.
- Teach your team to keep an eye on competition, not to backfire but rather to grow and learn. Have your team show up at each meeting with something they'd learnt from a competitor: their business strategy, USPs, pricing, targeted personas, or others.
- When you have time, ask a couple of your salespeople to present their sales pitch in front of the entire team. Then go around the table/screens and collect feedback and ideas. What better opportunity than this to spot inconsistencies in pitches, refine closing pitch phrases, and share valuable experiences with others?
- Use a sales tool to save yourself time and learn from others' experience, with this list of 53 sales automation tools across 12 categories vetted by Reply.io team to help you generate more leads, connect with them, and make more sales — all in less time.
The bottom line
To sum up, having an organized agenda for a sales team meeting is best practice for leaders and managers. This is why organizations and teams of all sizes resort to a meeting agenda software, which is usually part of an all-in-one meeting management software, to facilitate the whole process and automate many parts of it.
And while there may be multiple meeting management solutions available, here is why adam.ai is the all-in-one meeting management platform you can trust:
- adam.ai is one of Atlassian Ventures' portfolio companies.
- In the meeting management software category on G2, adam.ai has been ranked a leader and a high performer for successive quarters in the past years.
- adam.ai has been included in the Forrester Report in the AI-enabled meeting technology landscape.
- adam.ai is trusted and used by powerful teams and organizations worldwide for all types of critical meetings, like board, committee, project management, and business development meetings.
- And most importantly, adam.ai integrates with your existing workflow, is SOC2 compliant, provides dedicated support and success, and has a free trial option.
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