Action Management and Project Tracking

Streamline meeting follow-up, assign tasks, set deadlines, and achieve the best outcomes for your projects with a dedicated actions page.

Used and trusted by a myriad of large organizations worldwide
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Ensure task ownership and accountability

The action tracker allows you to streamline meeting outcomes by assigning tasks, setting deadlines, and tracking progress to ensure everyone knows what needs to be done and by when.

Voting and browsing templates in a meeting

Improve decision-making with a powerful follow-up system

With a dedicated actions page for assigned tasks with sub-actions, attachments, comments, and tags, you'll monitor progress and have a comprehensive framework that ensures no task goes unfinished.

Taking a poll in a meeting during video call

Send actions to Jira project management

Before, during, or after a meeting, link the actions you take to your Jira project to work on the issues there.

Linking agenda items to Jira

Export actions as CSV file

Filter through the actions page and download actions in the form of a CSV file, for reporting, documentation, and analysis.

Exporting actions to csv file

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