Meeting Minutes Generation and Approval Cycle

View, download, or send minutes of the meeting after meeting to attendees, guests, and stakeholders automatically.

Used and trusted by a myriad of large organizations worldwide
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ADNOC logo
John Hopkins logo
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BNI logo
ABPI logo
ADNOC logo
John Hopkins logo
NHS logo

Transparent, Accountable, and Aligned

Ensure that meeting attendees are on the same page, promote accountability and help your team follow through on commitments, and keep your team aligned on important decisions and objectives.

Sending meeting minutes to attendees

Documented for Future Reference

Don't rely solely on memory or sift through long email chains, create a clear record of who is responsible for each action item, streamline future meetings and decision-making processes, and recall as reference point for future discussions and actions.

Marking meeting actions as complete

Shared among All

After each meeting, easily view, download, and share meeting minutes with meeting attendees, guests, and stakeholders directly from your platform.

Downloading meeting minutes

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