How engages with sub-processors

Last updated: June 26, 2024

Please see the below list of sub-processors that has engaged with, the country they operate from, and the service(s) they provide.


  1. Sub-Processor: Amazon Web Services
    Country: Ireland
    Purpose: Hosting & Infrastructure
    Sub-Processor Measures: Shared responsibility shared fate
  2. Sub-Processor: Cloudflare, Inc.
    Country: United States
    Purpose: Content Delivery Network
    Sub-Processor Measures: Security and Compliance commitments
  3. Sub-Processor: MongoDB Atlas
    Country: England
    Purpose: Data storing
    Sub-Processor Measures: Security and Compliance commitments
  4. Sub-Processor: Hubspot
    Country: Worldwide
    Purpose: Analytics & Marketing
    Sub-Processor Measures: Security and Compliance commitments
  5. Sub-Processor: Hotjar
    Country: Malta
    Purpose: Analytics
    Sub-Processor Measures: Security and Compliance commitments
  6. Sub-Processor: Segment
    Country: United States
    Purpose: Customer support
    Sub-Processor Measures: Security and Compliance commitments
  7. Sub-Processor: Mixpanel
    Country: United States
    Purpose: Analytics
    Sub-Processor Measures: Security and Compliance commitments
  8. Sub-Processor: Appcues
    Country: United States
    Purpose: Analytics
    Sub-Processor Measures: Security and Compliance commitments
  9. Sub-Processor:
    Country: United States
    Purpose: Marketing
    Sub-Processor Measures: Security and Compliance commitments
  10. Sub-Processor: Google Analytics
    Country: United States
    Purpose: Analytics
    Sub-Processor Measures: Security and Compliance commitments
  11. Sub-Processor: VWO
    Country: India
    Purpose: Marketing
    Sub-Processor Measures: Security and Compliance commitments

Feature Specific Sub-Processors

Some of our features and integrations require the use of additional Sub-Processors. Some Sub-Processors will apply to you as a default, and some Sub-Processors will apply to you only if and when you opt-in.  We will notify you before you turn on a feature or install an integration that requires support from an opt-in Sub-Processor where indicated in the table below.

  1. Sub-Processor: OpenAI
    Country: United States
    Purpose: AI Provider (optional, only if you choose to use AI powered features)
    Sub-Processor Measures:

Our business needs and service providers may fluctuate from time to time due to the nature of our worldwide operation and our continuous efforts to satisfy our clients. To reduce and streamline our usage of service providers, we might, for instance, deprecate one. In a similar vein, we might include a service provider if we think doing so will improve our capacity to provide the subscription service.

If we add or replace any Sub-Processors, you may sign up to get email notifications by filling out the form at We will provide you at least 30 days' notice before making any changes if you choose to receive such emails.

Visit our privacy policy for further details on's privacy policies. Please email [email protected] with any inquiries you may have about this page.

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