June 3, 2024 · 8 min read

Adjourning Meeting: Best Practices for Board Efficiency

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Shaimaa Badawi

What is adjournment? Best practices for adjourning meeting

What is a meeting adjournment?

How do I adjourn a board meeting?

What do you say to end a board meeting?

  • Request a motion to adjourn:
  • "Can I have a motion to adjourn the meeting?" "Is there a motion to adjourn?"
  • Making and seconding the motion:
  • A board member responds: "I move to adjourn the meeting." Another member seconds: "I second the motion."
  • Conducting a vote:
  • "All in favor, say yes." "All opposed, say no."
  • Declaring the meeting adjourned:
  • "Hearing no objection, I declare the meeting adjourned." "The meeting is adjourned at [TIME]." "There being no further business, the meeting is adjourned."

Are there different types of adjournment?

1. Immediate adjournment

2. Adjournment to continue later

3. Adjournment sine die

What is a privileged motion in adjourning meeting?

  • Superseding ordinary business: Privileged motions can be made while other discussions are in progress, interrupting the current business due to their priority.
  • Common examples: These include motions to fix the time to adjourn, motions to adjourn, motions to take a recess, and raising questions of privilege.
  • Non-debatable: Privileged motions are not open for debate. This means the board chair must call for an immediate vote on the motion.

What does Robert's Rules say about adjournment?

  • No interruption: A board member cannot interrupt a speaker who has the floor to move for adjournment.
  • Seconding the motion: A motion to adjourn must be seconded by another board member.
  • Non-debatable: Typically, a motion to adjourn is not open for debate or amendment.
  • Majority vote required: To pass, a motion to adjourn must receive a majority vote from the board members present.
  • Debatable motion: If the motion to adjourn specifies a time for adjournment or a specific future time to reconvene, it can be debated or amended.
  • Failed motion: If the motion to adjourn does not pass, the meeting continues with its regular business. The motion cannot be reconsidered but can be proposed again later in the meeting.

When should a meeting be adjourned?

Completion of agenda items

End of the scheduled time

Lack of quorum

Best practices for efficient meeting adjournment

Planning ahead

  • Structured agenda: Create a detailed agenda with specific times for each topic to ensure the meeting stays on track.
  • Pre-meeting preparation: Distribute meeting materials in advance, allowing board members to review and prepare, thus minimizing time spent answering basic questions during the meeting.

Strong leadership

  • Effective chairing: The chairperson should guide the meeting efficiently, ensuring all topics are covered within the allocated time while allowing everyone a chance to speak.
  • Managing discussions: If a topic requires more time than anticipated, the chair can pause the discussion and schedule it for the next meeting to keep the current meeting on schedule.

Clear communication

  • Summarizing outcomes: Before adjourning, summarize the decisions made and outline any actions required, including responsibilities and deadlines.
  • Confirming action items: Ensure all participants are clear on their tasks and the timeline for completion.

Resolving conflicts and ending positively

  • Addressing disagreements: Aim to resolve any conflicts during the meeting and emphasize common goals to maintain a united board.
  • Closing positively: End the meeting on a positive note to foster a cooperative and motivated atmosphere.

Solicit feedback

  • Asking for input: Before adjourning, invite board members to provide feedback on the meeting process and suggest topics for the next meeting. This can help improve future meetings.

Finalizing details for the next meeting

  • Planning continuity: Note any unfinished business and ensure it is included in the next meeting’s agenda. Confirm the next meeting’s date and time if necessary.

Seamlessly manage and adjourn board meetings with adam.ai

  • Unlimited booking pages: Easily organize and schedule meetings between board members, committees, and stakeholders. This feature simplifies the scheduling process, ensuring timely and regular board interactions, essential for efficient meeting adjournments.
How to create booking pages
  • Smart note-taking system: Record agenda items, actions, decisions, and notes with a user-friendly interface. Integrated with built-in video conferencing, this system allows board members to discuss and make decisions seamlessly, reducing delays and helping to conclude meetings on time.
Enhance meeting content collaboration
  • Action and decision tracking: Keep track of actions and decisions made during board meetings to ensure follow-through. This feature helps board members stay updated on progress and outcomes, enhancing accountability and making it easier to adjourn meetings with clear follow-up plans.
How to manage and track actions in a meeting
  • Categorize meetings into spaces: Organize meetings into specific spaces for various boards, committees, teams, and projects. This categorization helps maintain clear records and focus on specific areas of governance, facilitating smoother adjournment processes by keeping meetings structured.
Meeting spaces for projects, teams, committees, and boards
  • Generate and share meeting minutes: Automatically generate and share meeting minutes to ensure transparency and maintain a comprehensive record for future reference. This feature ensures that all discussions and decisions are documented, making it easier to review and adjourn meetings effectively.
How to automatically generate meeting minutes
  • Analytics dashboard: Assess participation rates, decision outcomes, and the progress of action items. This feature provides insights that facilitate smooth and effective meetings, helping board members stay informed and proactive, which is crucial for timely adjournments.
View analytics dashboard for meeting insights
Transform how you conduct critical meetings—From meticulous preparation to effective execution and insightful follow-up, adam.ai integrates comprehensive analytics, full customization, and intuitive interfaces with powerful meeting management tools.

Easy onboarding. Enterprise-grade security. 24/7 dedicated support.

The bottom line

  • adam.ai is one of Atlassian Ventures' portfolio companies.
  • In the meeting management software category on G2, adam.ai has been ranked a leader and a high performer for successive quarters in the past years.
  • adam.ai has been included in the Forrester Report in the AI-enabled meeting technology landscape.
  • adam.ai is trusted and used by powerful teams and organizations worldwide for all types of critical meetings, like board, committee, project management, and business development meetings.
  • And most importantly, adam.ai integrates with your existing workflow, is SOC2 compliant, provides dedicated support and success, and has a free trial option.

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About the author

Shaimaa Badawi

Inbound Marketing Specialist at adam.ai

Shaimaa Badawi is an Inbound Marketing Specialist at adam.ai. Her research revolves around meeting management, project management, and board meetings, where she identifies the most daunting meeting pain points that C-level executives, board and committee members, corporate secretaries, and other professionals working in enterprises face in meetings. Based on her findings, Shaimaa provides solutions for inefficient meetings, defines various aspects of corporate-level meetings, and outlines best practices on how to run effective meetings.

Shaimaa Badawi: Inbound Marketing Specialist at adam.ai
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