Meeting Management for Project Managers

Say goodbye to multiple scheduling, note-taking, collaboration, and communication apps. Manage your workflow seamlessly from one place.

Used and trusted by a myriad of large organizations worldwide
Automated Scheduling

Optimize your meeting preparation and save valuable time

Schedule your team meetings without hassle by syncing all your calendars in one platform. Create a shareable booking page for the attendees to add their availability. Customize meeting invitations for each project or team. Invite guest users to the meeting. Customize a template to kickstart your project meeting without delay and maximize productivity and share with attendees.

Content Collaboration

Boost team engagement with collaborative features

Reference relevant materials and discussions for better decision-making and engagement. Encourage an open conversation via the public chat. Add public notes to document key insights or private notes to serve as a personal reminder. Collaborate with your team using comments, agenda items, actions, decisions, and polls for an interactive conversation and to reduce the risk of miscommunication.

Meeting Management

Capture meeting knowledge with ease

Manage meeting insights using customizable dashboards to have a clear overview of progress and status, quickly access and review meeting data, and analyze patterns and trends to identify areas of improvement. Categorize your meetings into meeting spaces for quick sorting of teams and projects, easy reviewing of ongoing and upcoming meetings, and better communication and coordination. Integrate with PM tools you’re familiar with, without leaving, to save time and effort from switching between different apps and streamline all project activities in one place.

Progress Check-In

Enhance responsibility and drive progress with a powerful follow-up system

Manage your team’s actions to track progress for task ownership and accountability to identify the team’s strengths and areas of improvement and ensure everyone is contributing to the project’s success. Automatically generate and share meeting minutes to ensure everyone accurately recor discussions, actions, and decisions to foster better alignment with your team. Transform meeting outcomes into insightful assets on your personalized dashboards for data-driven decision-making and visually appealing reports of meeting outcomes.

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